The Breithorn Occidentale (4165m) is one of the Breithorn peaks. It is located in the Pennine Alps, on the border between Switzerland and Italy. The Breithorn is considered among alpinists as the easiest to climb 4000m Alpine peak. Would you like to climb the peak? Contact us - we can arrange it for you!
There are several other summits of the Breithorn massif like the Central Breithorn, Eastern Breithorn, Breithornzwillinge, and the Roccia Nera.
The “Breithorn” means in German “broad peak”. The name itself describes the nature of the mountain very well and it was given by the canon Josef Anton Berchtold who was amazed by the breadth of the mountain.

First ascent
It was climbed for the first time in 1813. A team of the alpinists and guides included Henry Maynard, Joseph-Marie Couttet, Jean Gras, Jean-Baptiste Erin and Jean-Jacques Erin.
The peak is broad and seen from neighbouring Lyskamm looks very beautiful. It extends for over 2km. Glaciers cover the Breithorn heavily. It is easily accessible (in 2 hours) from Matterhorn cable car station. Those who would like to climb the Breithorn end up at 3820m by the car cable from the Swiss side and then continue their walk.
However, the traditional route starts on the Italian side and leads through the glacial plateau.