When I am sitting on a root after a walk in the sun and the snow, slowly travelling in the Alps, this windy day which forced all to stay away from the slopes, I just cannot imagine to be able to sit in front of my computer again. Our communication of today is wired, we have all a feeling that it is fundamental for life's continuity to be connected 24x24, no one should miss an opportunity to reach all the others where ever they possibly are, or to miss an information from all the most remote corners of this crazy ciber world.
But here, in the sun, on this root,
I get a little perspective of what is really real and really important, and has always been like that. I will not tell you, but I invite you all to sit on a root somwhere in the sun and find out by yourself.
And I also remember the face of some of my guests these past weeks, when they get the feeling, the right feeling for this enchanted place.
The Southern Swedes landed at Malpensa airport with a big grin and started ask about after ski even before they had touched the snow. First day I was a little bit preoccupied for their health, when they skied hard and drank even harder. The second day they drank water and begun have this special look, but the fog is thick. Third day we reach Guglielmina, and stay for the night. Good wines and full moon and the most enchanting view over the Alps down and around, and they are sold for ever.

They will come back here and they will tell other friends and this will be the big reward of the trip. Not the after ski.

Thank you for all the laugh and jokes!
Special thanks also to my absolutely best clients, Janne and Anders - I tryed to break a tooth of one of them, and they still could take it so easy as you can see in this picture from Hotel Principi di Piemonte in Sestriere.

You are always so kind! Might your trips to the Alps with me endure the financial crises of this world - and the broken teeth...